Solar: What Does It Cost?

The cost of solar power modules and equipment has come way, way down over the last few years, due mostly to a huge scale-up in worldwide production. This has made solar a practical energy source for many applications, including homes, businesses, farms, ranches, municipalities and industrial applications.

Although much more affordable than ever before, solar power still represents a significant investment, and must be properly designed and expertly installed to perform at maximum efficiency. Peace Energy Cooperative designs, supplies and installs solar power systems custom designed to fit your budget based on a thorough and personalized assessment of your needs and wants.


GRID-TIED: least expensive, excellent investment

Based on our years of experience, a home or small business grid-tied solar power system will cost between $5,000 and $40,000, depending on how much power you use and how much of that you would like to replace with solar energy. We have found that an average household will require a $15,000 to $20,000 grid-tied solar power system to replace all of their electrical needs with solar electricity (become “Net Zero”).

A grid-tied solar power system is not only an excellent way to reduce or eliminate your electricity bills (producing a good financial return on your investment) but also a great way to “fuel-up” an electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid. Charging your EV with your own self-generated solar energy saves money and provides the least expensive and greenest way to power your vehicles.

Most grid-tied systems will provide an immediate, first year return of 3 to 5% on your investment in money saved from electricity bills you do not have to pay. This return will increase as the cost of grid electricity continues to increase over the years. As well, you retain the value of your solar equipment asset, which increases the value of your property while paying for itself and keeping your energy costs stabilized over the long term.

OFF-GRID SYSTEMS: true independence

Off-grid systems will cost more than grid-tied systems, because off-grid requires batteries for energy storage, systems for charging the batteries, as well as a generator for back-up power.

Going off-grid requires careful planning. You are becoming your own power utility, which means energy conservation, system monitoring and maintenance will become a realty for you. With that in mind, Peace Energy Co-op will provide a careful analysis of your energy needs, custom design a system that will work well over the long term, and will spend time making sure you know how to keep your system in top operating condition.

CONSULTATION: we are always here to help

  1. To get started, we offer a quick analysis of your needs to provide some rough costs and benefits for your solar system. PLEASE CALL TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT (either in person at our Dawson Creek office or via telephone).
  2. At this point you may wish to proceed with a purchase, OR you may want a more detailed financial analysis and proposal. Our custom solar site analysis includes:
  • a site analysis to calculate the solar potential of your home, shop, or commercial building(s) (a site visit may be required);
  • a shade analysis;
  • since curb appeal and visual esthetics are often a consideration, especially for homeowners, we create an accurate photo simulation of the completed solar array as it will look on your building;
  • a financial analysis that calculates the return on your investment, the reduction of your electrical bills, etc;
  • an accurate estimate of equipment, installation and other costs;
  • a written report in hard copy and pdf formats for your review in consultation with your Peace Energy Co-op solar consultant.

CONSULATION FEES: depending on the complexity of your solar project or the level of detailed analysis required, there may be a fee for our consultation services. PLEASE CALL FOR DETAILS.

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Municipal Solar

Peace Energy Cooperative (PEC) works closely with different Municipalities both in British Columbia and Alberta. We provide consulting and full installation!

Residential PV

Interested in Solar for your own home? We can help you evaluate your options, provide you with consulting services for basic or advanced arrays. We carry a full lineup of inverters, solar panels and associated parts and pieces.

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