Hudson’s Hope Community Solar Initiative
The District of Hudson’s Hope has embraced solar energy like few other communities in Canada, and Peace Energy Co-op has helped make this possible. Under the leadership of a progressive Mayor, Council and staff and with the help of Peace Energy Cooperative, more than 500 kilowatts of grid-tied solar PV is now powering nine municipal facilities, from 50% to 100%, and saving the District millions of dollars over the coming decades. This makes Hudson’s Hope one of the most solarized communities per capita in the country, and demonstrates real leadership in electrical self-generation, sustainability and fiscal responsibility.
As well, a growing number of District of Hudson’s Hope residents have embraced the solar option, investing in their own solar power systems to achieve net zero electrical usage for their homes. They, like many others across the BC Peace Region, have contracted Peace Energy Co-op to design, supply and install they own personal renewable energy systems to reduce their electrical bills and carbon footprint.
As detailed in the following “Fast Facts” document, Peace Energy Cooperative helped the District of Hudson’s Hope secure a $1.35 million grant to implement an aggressive solarization project with the goal of reducing the District’s electrical bills over the coming decades by self-generating their own solar electricity. A joint venture between PEC and Moch Electric Ltd. then won the RFP to supply and install the solar arrays for Hudson’s Hope. This large solar project, the biggest municipal solar project in British Columbia, was built on time and on budget with an official public launch event in June, 2018. A ribbon-cutting Community Solar Celebration in Hudson’s Hope took place when the PV systems were commissioned and operational. The project has shown real benefits, including cutting the electricity bill for the community's visitor centre in half.
To learn more:
Check out the Fast Facts Document and click on the Solar Wave Video at right. The Solar Wave is our first solar sculpture and is designed to show that solar power is not only a practical energy source but also an interesting and attractive one!